I'm 19 Weeks Prego!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yeah! I'm just about half way done! I really cant believe that it has gone by so fast, well, all in all anyway. I usually just try to focus one day at a time... and here I am almost done!!! I know that I have not updated this blog in a while, so I have quite a few things to share!

First off, one of my very dear friends, sarah bought Daniel and I many new and awesome things for the baby! Fun things like bath toys and a baby swing and things we will need like over a hundred diapers and baby first aid kit with all the coolest new gadgets. Here is a pic I took so you can kind of see a little bit of what we got. There are too many things that I am not going to mention here, but a big thank you to Sarah!

Then, on one of my shopping trips I found the cutest little onsie! It's the softest colored blue and has the cutest turtle on it and it says "To the Pond!" I had to get it! I know that it looks more like boy clothes than girl clothes, but I figure Daniel and I will end up having at least one of each so why not buy things when there is a really good price? So from now on, when I do see something on sale I will get it because it will end up saving money in the long run. Dearest Hubby sometimes fails to see the logic in this, but that's why he has me! ;)

Now, for the most exciting news... The baby is a kicker! He/she is kicking and moving more and more everyday! I think the biggest change has been since Thanksgiving when Daniel and I got back from Kentucky, I bet it's because the baby could hear all the fun we were having and can't wait to meet all his uncles and aunts! :)

When I lay in bed, around 10:00 or so the baby starts doing these little sumersaults in my belly and kicking me. It is by far the most amazing feeling in this world! (Other than your kisses, of course, honey :)

It also is amazing to think that he can hear noises from the outside, I have been talking to him/her a lot out loud so the baby gets used to my voice. Sometimes I would wonder if the baby can actually hear anything... but the last three days prove to me that yes, he can! For the last couple of days, in the morning when Daniel's alarm goes off not only does it wake us up, but it wakes up the baby!!!! Poor baby gets so startled! I will wake up and see that the alarm is about to go off, and when it does, all of the sudden I just feel this huge lurch in my belly and the baby kicks for a good 20 or so min. After Daniel leaves I just gently rub my belly and tell the baby that it's alright and he (she) can go back to sleep. It's just so amazing!

Well that all for now. I do have a bunch of pictures from Thanksgiving that I would like to share but that will have to wait until we unload the Jeep because the camera is in there somewhere :)


  1. Shauna said...

    Hope you have an amazing weekend :)

    July 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM  

  2. Sheri said...

    Hello! I am new to your blog and have to say congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting!!!

    Also is there a way to follow you that I am not seeing? (on your blog). Thanks!

    September 27, 2011 at 11:23 PM  

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